Mong Kok East

Mong Kok East is a station on East Rail Line of the Hong Kong MTR. For more details view the ExploreHK interactive MTR map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Mong Kok East
Chinese (traditional) 旺角東
Chinese (simplified) 旺角东
Located on East Rail Line

Map of Mong Kok East

Tips near Mong Kok East

royal plaza hotel


May 22, 2014



Aug 24, 2015

harmony hotel


Nov 29, 2018



Sep 9, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Mong Kok East


Copyright: elyob

  • IMG_5262 IMG_5262
  • Flower Market, Mong Kok HK Flower Market, Mong Kok HK
  • IMG_20240714_120524 IMG_20240714_120524
  • IMG_20240714_125526 IMG_20240714_125526
  • IMG_20240714_130950 IMG_20240714_130950
  • IMG_20240714_130955 IMG_20240714_130955
  • 1959: Gala TheatreArgyle Street,Mongkok,Hong Kong 1959: Gala TheatreArgyle Street,Mongkok,Hong Kong
  • 港式咖啡 港式咖啡
  • Lady's street Lady's street
  • KMB Volvo B8L 12.8m (Wright Gemini Eclipse 3 Bodywork) KMB Volvo B8L 12.8m (Wright Gemini Eclipse 3 Bodywork)
  • I still call it train I still call it train
  • Neon light sign Neon light sign
  • Late night fruit stall Late night fruit stall
  • Ladies market in Mongkok Ladies market in Mongkok
  • Dinner time Dinner time
  • Dinner time Dinner time
  • Dinner with Carlo Dinner with Carlo
  • Dinner time Dinner time
  • Dinner time Dinner time
  • Great evening hanging out with Carlo Great evening hanging out with Carlo
  • Tea time Tea time
  • Tea time Tea time
  • Tea time Tea time
  • Hong Kong Hong Kong
  • IMG_1519 IMG_1519
  • IMG_3396 IMG_3396
  • 寄件價值好高啊 寄件價值好高啊

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.