Tseung Kwan O

Tseung Kwan O is a station on Tseung Kwan O Line of the Hong Kong MTR. For more details view the ExploreHK interactive MTR map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Tseung Kwan O
Chinese (traditional) 將軍澳
Chinese (simplified) 将军澳
Located on Tseung Kwan O Line

Map of Tseung Kwan O

Tips near Tseung Kwan O



Oct 5, 2014

The shopping centre is amazing in tsueng kwan o!!!!!


Nov 10, 2014

Take exit A1, turn left and walk for few minutes and then take 103 to reach at Clearwater beach


Feb 6, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Tseung Kwan O


Copyright: Ivan Lau https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • IMG_5884 IMG_5884
  • Lego Polaroid Lego Polaroid
  • KMB Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC Facelift 12m (ADL bodywork) KMB Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC Facelift 12m (ADL bodywork)
  • IMG_20240323_190758 IMG_20240323_190758
  • IMG_20240323_190745 IMG_20240323_190745
  • Lego Concorde Lego Concorde
  • NWFB 5512 @ R796 NWFB 5512 @ R796
  • IMG_2987 IMG_2987
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  • IMG_3076 IMG_3076
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  • IMG_3303 IMG_3303
  • 12MP-Main-cam-indoor 12MP-Main-cam-indoor
  • 12MP-Main-cam-bokeh 12MP-Main-cam-bokeh
  • Xperia 1 IV 16mm night mode Xperia 1 IV 16mm night mode
  • GR3-003114 GR3-003114
  • GR3-003116 GR3-003116
  • GR3-003120 GR3-003120
  • GR3-003121 GR3-003121
  • GR3-003125 GR3-003125

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.