Tsuen Wan West

Tsuen Wan West is a station on Tuen Ma Line of the Hong Kong MTR. For more details view the ExploreHK interactive MTR map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Tsuen Wan West
Chinese (traditional) 荃灣西
Chinese (simplified) 荃湾西
Located on Tuen Ma Line

Map of Tsuen Wan West

Tips near Tsuen Wan West



Sep 26, 2016



Dec 14, 2019



Dec 29, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Tsuen Wan West

Copyright: PanGGGGGGG https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Nina Tower, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Nina Tower, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
  • 汀九橋瀑風雨前 汀九橋瀑風雨前
  • PB1358 @ 268M PB1358 @ 268M
  • Ting Kau Bridge, Hong Kong Ting Kau Bridge, Hong Kong
  • Nina Tower, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Nina Tower, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
  • 荃灣西黃昏 荃灣西黃昏
  • P1011236 P1011236
  • P1011020 P1011020
  • P1010922 P1010922
  • PXL_20230204_115409240 PXL_20230204_115409240

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.